Thursday, January 26, 2012

And I'm Back...

After a couple long and busy days, I'm finally back to writing what I'm eating as a new vegan.

It has been great so far. I've had a ton of yummy food and feel good about what I'm eating. Everyday for breakfast I have been having the same thing, oatmeal with flax seed milk, and different types of fruit..such a yummy start :) It also keeps me full until lunch, so it has been great. Lunch does not vary much either. Sandwich on whole wheat with bean paste, avocado, tomato, spinach, and spicy mustard. Snacks have been veggies with a homemade hummus. Very delicious. Dinner varies between a bean, grain, and a ton of veggies mixed in. I made a yummy Swiss chard and garbanzo bean soup that I really enjoyed.

Now, that I have a handle on eating vegan, I'm going to try to add some protein shakes in on the days that I have practice so I can continue to build muscle and burn fat. I have already lost a couple pounds so now it is time to just maintain the weight I am at. I am loving my new lifestyle and can't wait to see what else it brings me!

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