Sunday, January 22, 2012

So Much Yummy Food!

Another day of vegan-life in the books! Good day overall, I just literally feel like I'm cooking all day long. I know it is an exaggeration but some days I know I'm going to be lazy. I'll definitely have to get some quick meal ideas ready for when that happens. Overall, it was a great day! I found a delicious dairy free dark chocolate bar, so that has been helping with my crazy candy cravings :)

WOD - not a lot of time today:
5min warm up jog
10 minutes of sprinting for 40 then jogging

Vegan Food Day 3:

breakfast- oats with flax seed milk, apples, blueberries, and pomegranate
lunch - great northern bean paste, lettuce, tomato, avocado, and spicy mustard on whole wheat
snack - half eaten :) salad with homemade tahini dressing.
dinner- quinoa, adzuki beans, avocado, kale, edamame, and crushed almonds

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